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this is so good! the characters and the writing and aaa! 

my favorite character of the crew so far is coda, but all of astra's dialogue was also really good. nice work, can't wait for the full game 👍

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Loved it. Can't wait for more. Thanks Punkitt :0)

HECK YEAH THANKS RIGGY!!!!! You did miss a lil dialogue but theres so much of it i understand hehe, glad you liked it!!!!!!


SOMEBODY ELSE SAID THAT! I'll have to jump back in and find that... there's so much content here! This is such a cool teaser project for what's going to be an amazing full-length game. :)


this was so so engaging and fun oh my god. you get just enough of every character to understand them and attach yourself to their backstories and cultures and personalities while still wanting hours more of them arguing and making jokes and caring for each other and the same goes for the world that's being set up its so GOOD... the way characters who aren't part of the main battle party are still super interesting and charming (gub,,...) the whole guard really feels like an actual Team and it works so well...

this game's gonna be so good when it's done


AAA Thank you so much!!!!!! im so glad you liked it, what a sweet comment!!! :DDD


is seems good


This was an amazing first look at the Astral Guard universe! I appreciated all the little touches like the animations of the group interacting with the table or the silly flashback animation.
Just curious, how many portraits does Astra have compared to everyone else? It felt like she had a new one for every planet!


Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! Astra has arrrround 51 unique portraits, counting the animated ones. She's an expressive lady!


This was amazing I absolutely loved the writing and the atmosphere and the aesthetic. I loved all of it. So excited to see what's next for the gang and also Jangell too <3


<3 tysm hot gamer dad you are a real one
